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Luxury Apartment Complex Saves $18,401 in Trash Invoices

The Results
GHG Emission Reduction
Haul Reduction
Cost Savings

The Apartment Complex Waste Management Challenges

A Texas luxury apartment building was facing increasing waste invoices. Their compactor was on a 1x pickup per week haul schedule, creating low tonnage hauls while being charged multiple ancillary fees per pickup. This inefficient operation resulted in expensive trash invoices.

The Compactor Monitor Solution

The building manager decided to install the Pioneer Compactor Monitor. Based on the monitor's predictive model, the scheduled pickup hauls were switched to an on-call schedule. The monitor self-scheduled pickups when the compactor predicted the monitor to reach target fullness.

After the monitor learned from the compactor, It was discovered the compactor reached target fullness closer to the two-week mark. The complex replaced the inefficient weekly hauls with one pickup around every 13 days.

Results Achieved with Compactor Monitoring

Haul Reduction

The Pioneer Compactor predictive model avoided hauls by 46%—averaging almost 13 days in between pickups.

Net Cost Savings

$18,401 savings on trash invoices was achieved in less than a year by eliminating inefficient scheduled pickups.

Lower Environmental Impact

Haul reductions managed to lower fuel impact and GHG emissions by 46%.

The Pioneer Compactor Monitor Impact

On-call pickups avoid the inefficiency of scheduled pickups. Utilizing a compactor at full capacity avoids expensive and unnecessary pickups.

Our predictive compactor monitoring system learns from the compactor and predicts when target fullness will be achieved. This ensures proper tonnage, which avoids unnecessary hauls and saves thousands of dollars in trash invoices.

As a bonus: there is minimal site disruption during installation and no pause in service to your tenants.

Want to project the annual savings for your apartment complex? Schedule a call with our team.

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